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Get to know Courtney Prosser, your kind, approachable & trusted Mortgage Advisor

Hello, I’m Courtney.

I’m a visionary business owner; a mum; a Wellingtonian; a homeowner and a seasoned investor.

I know it’s the Kiwi dream to own your own home. It’s my mission to help Kiwis not only into the property market, but to stick with them throughout their journey.

I’ve been where you are right now. From stressing over money to saving money; purchased and sold property; renovated on a budget and renovated with freedom; I’ve attended auctions and submitted far too many tenders; taken the plunge to invest; experienced highs, lows, lost sleep and celebrated a few wins along the way. I’ve been in your shoes. I understand.

Over time I’ve become well-known for…

  • Honest, timely advice.
  • Achieving the right result for you.
  • Sticking with you, right through your property journey.

I’m here to help you.

Kind words...

“Where do I begin? To say I am grateful to have met Courtney is a huge understatement.

"After my 13-or-so years of home ownership with my husband, I was faced with the difficult situation of wanting to buy him out of the family home due to our marriage breaking down. Not only was this an incredibly heartbreaking time for me, it was also a time of constant fear and anxiety about what would happen to me, my children and my 'home'.

"Before I contacted Courtney I had been in touch with 2 mortgage advisors. One was the bank I was currently with, who made me feel even worse about my situation with their severe lack of empathy, explaining I should "get on with life, sell up, and move 2 hours away from the City". The second mortgage broker pretty much said the same thing, although a little more empathetically.

"But still, this wasn't what I wanted to hear and I very much felt alone.

"Along comes Courtney - my shining light! From the very first communication Courtney was 100% supportive of what I wanted; I wanted to keep the family home, I wanted to allow my children to stay in their stable environment, and I wanted to be able to live within my means. Courtney made it easy. She took what financial information I had (and being self-employed this information was all over the place!) and came back to me with a mortgage offer... it was so easy!

"Courtney sat down with me and explained the best ways to use the money I had, this included pulling some money from savings which initially I didn't want to do, but when Courtney showed me how much I'd be saving in the long term due to not paying as much interest it was easy advice to follow.

"Because of Courtney I am now a home-owner, I own the family home we'd been living in for 9 years, and my children are able to stay in their school.

"I had many, MANY questions for Courtney, and she answered each and every one of them with kindness, understanding, empathy and most of all... knowledge and experience.

"Thank you Courtney, I very much feel I have someone on my side supporting me in this mortgage-owning journey now!“

~ Sara-Jane

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